LUKS Block Device Encryption

Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) is a method for encrypting block devices that is built-in to the Linux Kernel. In this tutorial I will be showing how to create an encrypted USB drive with LUKS, but this process is applicable to other types of storage. This process will wipe all data on the device that you encrypt so make backups beforehand if needed.

Install Packages

Install cryptsetup and its dependencies

apt install cryptsetup

Prepare the Drive

If the device you are encrypting was previously used, you will want to completely overwrite any data on it before encryption. This can be done using dd as shown below. This could take a very long time depending on the size and type of your drive. Be sure that you enter the correct path to your drive as the argument to of, and do not specify a partition: /dev/sdb is correct, /dev/sdb1 is wrong. Obviously this will destroy any data on the device so be absolutely sure you specify the correct device in the command and have backups of data previously stored if needed.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX status=progress

Encrypt the Drive

cryptsetup is the main command used to perform LUKS-related tasks. This main command is followed by a subcommand that specifies which action to perform. To create a LUKS partition on a drive we need to use the subcommand luksFormat. We also use the type option to explicitly say to use LUKS version 2 encryption. Run the command and then enter and confirm the encryption password.

cryptsetup --type luks2 luksFormat /dev/sdX

Now we need to open and map the encrypted LUKS device. This is done by using the luksOpen subcommand. This subcommand takes the device as the first argument and then a map target as the second. The map target can be any string as long as a map does not already exist with that name. In the example I will use crypt.

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdX crypt

And then we just need to create a filesystem on the device; I will be making an ext4 filesystem in the example. To interact with an encrypted drive after it has been opened you need to refer to its device mapper target, which is found under /dev/mapper. Since we used crypt as the map target, our encrypted drive is /dev/mapper/crypt.

mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/crypt

After creating the filesystem created the encrypted drive can now be mounted and used like any other device. Remember that when mounting the device you refer to the device mapper target (mount /dev/mapper/crypt /mnt/crypt).

In addition to unmounting the filesystem you should always close the device mapping before removing your encrypted drive. This is done with the luksClose subcommand and takes the device mapping as the argument.

cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/crypt

The LUKS Header

The LUKS header sits at the front of your encrypted drive and is responsible for managing access to the device. If the header is damaged accessing your encrypted data will not be possible. Because of this, you may want to make backups of the header, but before doing so you need to weigh the risks and benefits.

The obvious benefit is that in the event of damage to the LUKS header, you can easily restore a backup and regain access to the data. However, having a backup of the header makes it harder to wipe the LUKS device. Without a header backup, overwriting the LUKS header on the device is enough to securely wipe the drive. With backups, you need to either destroy all header backups or overwrite all encrypted data on the device. The other main risk is that an encryption password that is valid at the time you make a backup will always be valid for that backup. For example, say you change the encryption password on your device after making a backup because it has been compromised. An attacker would be able to restore the header backup and then use the compromised password to access the data.

The cryptsetup documentation refers to creating header backups as making a trade-off between safety and security. You need to make a decision based on your individual use-case. It's a good idea to routinely update your header backups if you do choose to make them

When creating or restoring a header backup you always refer to the block device in the command, not the device mapper taget. To create a header backup:

cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/sdX --header-backup-file path/to/backup

To restore a header from a backup:

cryptsetup luksHeaderRestore /dev/sdX --header-backup-file path/to/backup

Note that is not necessary to store header backups on an encrypted device. I would recommend storing backups on at least one non-encrypted drive in case of an emergency.

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