This is some of the software that I use and recommend. All of this software is FOSS.
Server Software
Virtualization - Proxmox VE
Backups - Proxmox Backup Server
DNS - Pi-hole
Authentication and Identity - Authelia
LDAP - FreeIPA [kb]
RSS Aggregator - FreshRSS
Dashboard - Homer
Search Engine - SearxNG
Wiki - Bookstack
Personal Cloud - Nextcloud
Photo Management - Photoprism
Game Streaming - Sunshine + Moonlight
Mail Server - Postfix + Dovecot [kb]
Service Monitoring - Prometheus + Grafana + Cadvisor
Log Management - Loki
Media Server - Jellyfin
Music Server - Navidrome
Configuration Management - Ansible
Git Repository - Gitea
Git Mirror - cgit
CI/CD - Jenkins
Diagramming -
Desktop Programs
Window Manager - dwm [git]
Shell - zsh [git]
Terminal Emulator - st [git]
Text Editor - vim [git]
Music Player - cmus [git]
Process Monitor - htop [git]
Media Player - mpv
Email - neomutt, isync, msmtp [git] [kb]
PDF Reader - zathura [git]
Sandbox - firejail [git]
Firewall - ufw